Empress Wu Zetian of China

Wu Zetian was anehdidunia.com friend's favorite concubine of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang
Dynasty who ruled around the 7th century AD. After getting rid of the empress and concubines Wang Xiao of the palace, Wu Zetian managed to control the power completely. After Emperor Gaozong died, he appointed himself as the only female emperor in Chinese history and established the Zhou Dynasty. Wu Zetian widely condemned as a cunning and ruthless queen. He formed a secret police force to spy on every enemy in the palace bureaucracy. Some enemies killed in tragic for daring to oppose it. Wu Zetian reality as the only female emperor in Chinese history is often used as a bad example by Confucian historians about what happens if a woman holding power. However, Wu Zetian was considered as a queen firm and appreciate the professional work. A number of the ugliness that was written about him allegedly overstated because a woman's ability condescension.
Tribhuwana Tunggadewi
Queen Majapahit

The second ruling queen is Tribhuwana Tunggadewi which is nothing but a princess Raden Wijaya, the first ruler of Majapahit. In the beginning he was the ruler of the area in which the title Jiwana Bhre Kahuripan. He is married with Chakradara who also holds Bhre Tumapel local authorities. After the death of his half-brother Jayanegara, Tribhuwana ascend the throne as Queen of Majapahit in 1329. The reign of Tribhuwana known as future expansion of the small kingdom of Majapahit becoming a gigantic empire. At this time was Commander Gajah Mada palapa oath to unite the whole archipelago. Tribhuwana also known as a powerful warlord. In 1331, he led direct an army to attack the rebels, accompanied by his cousin, Adityawarman. Tribhuwana administration was continued by his son Hayam Wuruk which continue to expand the power of Majapahit to the area as far as the Moluccas and the Philippines.
Spanish Queen Isabella I

This woman was the grandson of King Henry III of Castilian with Princess Catherine of Portugal yangbernama Isabella I. In 1474, Isabella was installed as Queen Castilian replace his uncle. He was married to King Ferdinand II of Aragon, and a combination of the two kingdoms will become the embryo of the Spanish State. Isabella was the queen who funded the trip fleet Cristopher Columbus in 1492 who finally discovered the Americas and began the era of colonialism in the New World. In the same year, he also conquered Granada, the last Muslim kingdom on the Iberian peninsula. Under his rule, the massacres and the massive exodus of Jewish and Muslim groups out of Spain. He founded inskuisisi institution, a religious court which aims to ensure the Roman Catholic as the only religion practiced in Spain. Isabella also plays an important role in enforcing the law that screwed back in the era of the previous administration.
Queen Catherine of Russia

Catherine II called Catherine the Great was the consort of Tsar Peter III who ruled Russia. After the coup that killed her husband, Catherine took the throne as Tsarina in 1762. Catherine became queen of the longest ruling in Russia and modernize the country into a respected force in Europe. During his reign, the Russian territory extends to the Crimea, the North Caucasus, South Ukraine, and Lithuania. Catherine is known as a forward-thinking of the importance of human resource development through education. He founded the Smolny Institute, the first high school for European women. He is also a patron for the arts and cultural activities in the country. But the oppression of the peasant class have caused the outbreak of a major uprising in Russia. Catherine was so influential on the progress of Russia's so-called power period as a golden age of Russia.
Queen Victoria United Kingdom

Who is not familiar with this one queen. Queen Victoria was the granddaughter of King George III. In 1837, he came to the throne as Queen of Great Britain. With the reign for 63 years and 7 months, she is the queen of the longest in history. His reign was an era of progress in all fields is referred to as the Victorian Era. Under his reign, England became the largest empire in the world that territory includes Canada, Australia, and India. A number of important advances in the fields of economic, military, and science and culture occurred under his control. The discovery of various new engine produces industrial revolution and mass production activities. Victoria also promote religious tolerance in the territory, especially after the uprising in India in 1857. Many of the descendants of Victoria who also became kings and queens throughout Europe, so he dubbed Grandma Europe.
Egyptian Queen Nefertiti

Nefertiti was the consort of Pharaoh Akhenaten of the 18th dynasty which ruled about 3,300 years ago. With her husband, she was running the government in Egypt and set a number of important policies that bring about change in the country. Nefertiti and her husband is also known as the founder of a new religion worship only one God, the Aten. One of the major decisions in his government was moving the capital from Thebes to the Amarna. This may be related to the adoption of a new religion so that, a new religious center that apart from the influences of the old. Her husband who was previously named Amenhotep renamed himself Akhenaten and Neferneferuaten renamed in honor of the new God Aten. A number of open temple was established to Aten at Amarna. The paintings in temples and tombs show Nefertiti equal power with her husband, such as the power to eradicate the enemy and set up a monument. After the death of her husband, Nefertiti still managed to power in a short time.
Byzantine Empress Theodora

Theodora is the consort of Emperor Justinian I in power around the 6th century AD. Started his career as a theater actress, Theodora's life changed when the emperor ask for her hand. Position shot and he quickly turned into the most powerful woman in the whole Byzantium. The Eastern Orthodox Church appointed him as a saint who is celebrated every November 14. Theodora known for decisiveness in taking decisions. When the Nika revolt in Constantinople, the Emperor Justinian nearly escaped. But Theodora make an escape attempt was canceled and pemerontakan extinguished. Theodora provide protection against the minority Christian sect in Byzantium is often suppressed by the Orthodox Church. He also set many policies that favor women, such as the death penalty for rapists and improvement of property rights for women. Thanks to Theodora, the Byzantine women enjoy far better rights than women in neighboring countries.
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